Steve Jonas’ The 15% Solution, scheduled for Winter Season, 2012-13
The 15% Solution
How the Republican Religious Right Won the White House
—A Futuristic Novel—
(revised edition)
Punto Press has now acquired the rights to produce an expanded, revised edition of the visionary The 15% Solution, by Dr. Steven Jonas. Much in the vein of political dystopias like Jack London’s The Iron Heel, or Huxley’s Brave New World, the book, originally written in 1996, presages the taking over of the American government by the insidious maneuverings of the radical religious right, today a distinct possibility in the United States.
In 1996, Patrick Buchanan said: “We’re on the verge of taking [the Republican Party] back as a prelude to taking back our country as prelude to taking back the destiny of America, and when we get there, my friends, we will be obedient to one sovereign America and that is the sovereign (sic) of God himself.” (The Nation, David Corn, 3.11.96)
In the plot, forces that agree with such sentiments take control of the “old” government of the United States (the book is written by a narrator who sets down the “history” of the US after such catastrophic event), and create the apartheid state of the New American Republics. In 2023, following the conclusion of the Second Civil War, constitutional democracy is restored in the Re-United States.
“The book’s principal purpose is to show how fascism can be gradually introduced into any country, even the supposed world’s greatest democracy, by constitutional means,” said the author. “Essentially I detail a coup from within.”
As a physician Steve Jonas, currently a practicing professor of preventive medicine, like Somerset Maugham and A.J. Cronin before him, follows a rich tradition of political activism and distinguished literary career by doctors who not only aimed to treat the human body but the body politic, as well. He is the author of several books and hundreds of essays published in leading progressive venues, and a senior contributing editor with The Greanville Post, Buzzflash, and other political sites.
The volume, substantially revised and with a new introduction, will be published in both trade paperback and electronic editions.
Contact us directly for price information and specific publication date.