We are gratified to see Andrei Martyanov. a man we deeply appreciate, filing a much needed review on the ironically titled The Russian Peace Threat. I say "much needed" because this volume has had an unusually hard liftoff. As befits ... Read More
The growing loyal audience of Ron Ridenour's The Russian Peace Threat may be heartened by the news this title has now been (finally!) accepted by a number of influential distributors, including the following: Draft2Digital Kobo Smashwords *Gumroad (for direct sales) ... Read More
RON RIDENOUR—Ridenour notes that the US and Britain have used the Muslim Brotherhood and assorted takfiris for almost 100 years to divide and conquer Southwest Asia. Brainwashed Americans will be surprised to learn that Afghan women could vote, be politicians, ... Read More
DAVE LINDORFF—Ron Ridenour, a veteran journalist and author, former member of the US Communist Party, dedicated anti-war activist and a self-described revolutionary socialist, like Trotsky (though no Troskyite himself) writes from a perspective of outside the city wall. In his ... Read More
TRADE PRESS RELEASE RON Ridenour's The Russian Peace Threat (RPT-1) has just been released by Punto Press and commenced broad distribution. The 564 pp book represents an in-depth, up-to-date examination of the struggle between Russia and the United States (and ... Read More
Punto Press, affiliated with The Greanville Post, has just published a much awaited history/memoir by Ron Ridenour, an anti-imperialist fighter, radical journalist, and author whose uncompromising trajectory spans six decades and three continents, with first-hand experiences in Cuba, Nicaragua, Europe and naturally the country of his birth, the United States. A life spent struggling for justice and peace is a life morally well lived.In The Russian Peace Threat—Pentagon on Alert, whose focus is the century-old tug of war between two deeply antithetical societies, the US and Russia, Ridenour has not only provided activists and the public at large a dependable and compelling history that is aimed at dissolving the thick layers of disinformation and ignorance still keeping the two nations apart, but a wealth of details and insights seldom found in comparable works, written by a man who does not pretend to a non-existent “objectivity” but simple, liberating truth. The chapter presented below tackles a supremely important subject, American exceptionalism, the fount of many evils in our modern world. Since this is a peculiar American phenomenon, it is incumbent upon Americans to learn what it is, and how it affects their lives and the lives of countless people around the world. It is a critical step in humanity’s struggle to move this planet toward a far more humane and just order. —PG
Punto Press has reserved a block of 35 complimentary copies (in eBook formats) exclusively for Greanville Post readers. The regular price is USD $11.99. The print edition (564 pp) sells for USD$27.75. If you wish to get one, follow the simple directions below. First come, first served until depleted. A review on Amazon, or a donation to The Greanville Post, if possible, will be sincerely appreciated.